Contractul AstraZeneca-momentul adevarului

A fost publicat contractul AstraZeneca, il gasiti aici

Daca vreti sa vedeti cat de prost s-a negociat acest contract de catre UE puteti sa cititi direct Articolul 5.4. pp.11-12. In plin Brexit UE nu se asigura in contract ca AstraZeneca poate produce si livra vaccinul din locatii de pe continent. Marea Britanie, tara care pleaca din UE detine controlul iar UE isi pune soarta miloanelor de cetateni intr-un contract subred.

Acesta este articolul.citii si va minunati.

5.4. Manufacturing Sites. AstraZeneca shall use its Best Resonable Efforts to manufacture the Vaccine at manufacturing sites located within the EU (which, for the purpose of this Section 5.4 only include the United Kingdom ) and may manufacture the Vaccine in non-EU facilities, if appropriate, to accelerate supply of the Vaccine in Europe; provided, that AstraZeneca shall provide prior written notice of such non-EU manufacturing facilities to the Commission which shall include an explanation for such determination to use non-EU manufacturing facilities.

If AstraZeneca is unable to deliver on its intention to manufacture the Initial Europe Doses and/or Optional Doses under this Agreement in the EU, the Commission or the Participating Member States may present to AstraZeneca, CMOs within the EU capable of manufacturing the Vaccine Doses, and AstraZeneca shall use its Best Reasonable Efforts to contract with such proposed CMOs to increase the available manufacturing capacity within the EU. The manufacturing site planning is set out in Schedule A.

Ar fi trebuit ca tarile UE sa faca un efort si sa ofere capacitati de productie cu mult înainte ca politicienii din Comisie sa negocieze contractul si sa declanseze planul european de vaccinare sub bradul de Craciun doar ca sa se promoveze politic o imagine falsa de siguranta. Foarte tardiv si in prea putin masura SANOFI a intrat sa ambaleze doar, nu sa produca vaccinul AstraZeneca si deja cand scandalul e cat casa. AstraZEneca trebuia convinsa sa produca de la inceput vaccinul pe continent si sa ne asiguram ca avem un stoc european semnificativ inaiante de a declansa un plan de actiune.

Vina este a Comisiei si a sefilor de state si guverne care au acceptat aceasta strategie slab fundamentata.

Some lessons learned about strategic vaccination planning in Europe

The first European strategic mistake – no steps have been taken to ensure medical integration for vaccination management. It would have been crucial because we have different IT management systems at the national level, not to mention the fact that the definition of priority target groups is different at the national level and the pre-rotation processes are different. It is not effective to provide a single EU supply point for member countries if the pace of vaccination is not synchronized in all member states.

The second European strategic mistake – decision makers believed that they can trigger the vaccination process in parallel with the stages of pre-planning, planning, scheduling and administration simultaneously. This happened in the context in which the minimum need for vaccines could not be estimated and without taking into account the multinational format of access to vaccine production

The third European strategic mistake – a vaccination plan was launched without setting indicators for the whole process. For example, if we had set a vaccination rate of 10% of vaccinated citizens per month in the EU, then the logic of planning obliges us to insure vaccine stocks. No commercial contract in the world can solve the problems of production, supply and administration. These issues had to be resolved before signing a contract targeting 445 million people. One is to conclude a contract that provides you with access to the vaccine and another is to sign a contract that provides you with vaccine stocks at the desired scale.

It is unfortunate that the EU has tried to promote a symbolic political goal – to launch vaccination 1 year after the pandemic. We tried to demonstrate the political power and financial capacity of the EU instead of trying to prove that we have the skills and that we know how to prepare a plan to fight the pandemic at the medical level.