Intre 28-29 iunie va avea loc reuniunea G20. Summit-ul este gazduit in acest an de Japonia, in Osaka.

Premierul Shinzo Abe isi propune sa promoveze trei capitole mari: crestera economica, accesul la resurse si infrastructura si economia digitala.
„At the Osaka Summit, Japan is determined to lead global economic growth by promoting free trade and innovation, achieving both economic growth and reduction of disparities, and contributing to the development agenda and other global issues with the SDGs at its core. Through these efforts, Japan seeks to realize and promote a free and open, inclusive and sustainable, „human-centered future society.”
In addition, we will lead discussions on the supply of global commons for realizing global growth such as quality infrastructure and global health. As the presidency, we will exert strong leadership in discussions aimed towards resolving global issues such as climate change and ocean plastic waste.
Furthermore, we will discuss how to address the digital economy from an institutional perspective and issues that arise from an aging society. We will introduce Japan’s efforts, including the productivity revolution amid a “Society 5.0” era, towards achieving a society where all individuals are actively engaged.
Separat de G20 va fi interesant de urmarit cateva aspecte. Pozitia SUA, a presedintelui Donald Trump fata de agenda summit-ului. Va fi dispus sau nu sa negocieze ceva im domeniul economic, tarife si schimarea climatica ?
Ar mai fi de urmarit ce reuniuni bilaterale va accepta presedintele Trump. Va fi interesanta interactiunea cu omologul chinez in contextul negocierilor dificile dintre cele doua tari.
Ar mai putea fi pe agenda o intlanirea americano – rusa. In aceste zile, secretarul de stat Mike Pompeo calatoreste in Federatia Rusa si cu siguranta se discuta si o posibila reuniune bilaterala in marja summit-ului G20.